Sunday, December 18, 2011

Blog Time!! - Locking Down Air

Blogging Instructions: Every Friday evening I will post a blog topic with a link to an article AND a question.  You are required to find an article of your own on that topic.  Put a link to your article into a comment on my blog posting AND write a few FULL sentences in the comment that answers my question. You should use my article and answers as models for your own posts.  
Due every Sunday night by midnight.

Week 1:The most popular form of network access right now is wireless - so it's time to look at the security issues associated with using the air as your media for data transmission. My article explains the term "Bluejacking" which is basically a method of sending annoying messages to Bluetooth devices in your physical vicinity. It's not a real security threat - the article says it's more of an annoyance like ringing a doorbell and running away. (Read the 1st two pages, they are short ) then watch the video at this link: (also very short)

The vulnerability exists because bluetooth is always on by default and available for associaton.  The solution is to turn off your bluetooth when you don't need it. For instance, my iphone only needs bluetooth when I am using my headset in the car. Otherwise, I can disable that function and that will keep me safe from Bluejacking.

So, your job is to:

  1. find a website / article about a wireless vulnerability - give us the link
  2. describe the problem AND
  3. tell us how to protect against it. 
If you need an idea for a search term, here are some items that will be on the Cert test: War Driving, Bluesnarfing, Rogue Access Points, Weak Encryption, SSID Broadcast. Or you might want to check out the term "TJX breach" for a look at the largest wireless crime ever.